On December 2, 2009 I requested that my name be withdrawn as a co-sponsor for House Bill 5594. After talking with many non-instructional school employees in a public forum, I came to understand that not only are our school employees in my district doing what we expect of them, this bill does not accomplish what I would expect of it.
At last session, I co-sponsored a bill designed to protect these same non-instructional school employees in the event that a school district took bids for priviatization. It was not my intent to force privitization.
I have spent the last two months reassuring residents of the district that I've done everything I can to see House Bill 5594 does not see the light of day. Speaking with the chairman of the committee, he has no intention of bringing this bill up for a vote.
Below is the letter requesting that I be removed from House Bill 5594, because of House rules, I will not be officially removed from the bill until December 31 when the bill dies of natural causes.

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