Our Declaration of Independence
Each year since being elected to the Michigan House of Representatives, I've sent a 4th of July message and… this year is no exception. The significance of America's independence and our freedom is something we shouldn't lose sight of while making our cook-out plans with family and friends
I, personally, make a point of taking a little time on the 4th of July to read the Declaration of Independence. I will do so again this year before I make my way to the Birch Run parade, and the area’s fireworks. It is so important to remember and cherish what our nation’s founders fought for. It is the best way to guarantee our future.
The events that lead to the birth of our constitution and independence serve as an important reminder, particularly in today's political climate. The fathers of our country believed that the power of government should be in the hands of the people and many gave everything they had to ensure that for future generations.
Today, it may seem as though the politicians in the Legislature and Congress are distant, but we must remember that this is indeed a government for and by the people. The laws of this country should provide each man and woman with the ability to control their own destiny, just as our founding fathers wished to do. I find in our Declaration of Independence a renewed sense of patriotism and duty to preserve our principles for generations to come.
I recognize that our economy continues to struggle; that families are out of work and that Michigan has some ground to make up to regain our position as a thriving place to live, work and play. In times like these, our democracy can seem a fragile thing. But, with all the troubles we face, it is comforting to know that our greatest strength still lies in the patriotic American citizen.
When we work together as friends, family and neighbors, our communities will flourish once more.
I encourage you to make the Declaration of Independence a part of your July 4th celebration. We should share the story of American history with our children, much like many of us make the nativity story part of our celebrations at Christmas time.
I can guarantee that reviewing the words of the founding fathers with your children and grandchildren will bring substance and clarity to your weekend, and you’ll come to your appreciate the multitude of freedoms we still enjoy in the United States of America.
http://www.ushistory.org/declaration/document/Protecting our Freedom

I believe it’s important to take the time to thank every soldier, past and present, for willingly protecting for our freedom. This strikes me as especially important right now. Just in the last month, the Governor issued six separate orders for flags to be flown at half staff at the state Capitol.
So, when a soldier dies in the line of duty, they are honored by lowering all flags on a day that their family chooses - usually the day of their funeral. On these days, I walk into the Capitol in silence, because a Michigan soldier just paid for my entry... with a life.
May Blue Star families remain Blue Star families until the day their children return safely home!
These are the Michigan soldiers who gave their lives for us this year and the day our flags were lowered. I hope you’ll take a moment to read each name… It is important:
Army Sergeant Lucas T. Beachnaw of Lowell, January 22, 2010
Army Sergeant Dillon B. Foxx of Traverse City, February 19, 2010
Marine Corporal Jacob H. Turbett of Canton, March 8, 2010
Army Staff Sergeant Richard J. Jordan of Harrison Township, March 23, 2010
Army Sergeant Michael K. Ingram of Monroe, April 30, 2010
Marine Lance Corporal Anthony A. DiLisio of Macomb, June 7, 2010
U.S. Navy Fireman 3rd Class Gerald George Lehman of Hancock, June 12, 2010
Air Force 1st Lieutenant Joel C. Gentz of Grass Lake, June 24, 2010
Marine Cpl. Jeffrey R. Standfest of St. Clair, June 25, 2010
Army Specialist Joseph D. Johnson of Flint, June 28, 2010
Marine Cpl. Daane A. DeBoer of Ludington, July 2, 2010
The sacrifices that sought to protect our Freedoms and our Liberties in 1776, when the Declaration of Independence was signed, continue today through the actions of our brave servicemen and women.
Happy 4th of July!
God Bless the U.S.A.
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