The profession of teaching is truly a calling. I found the following submissions in my email last night and wanted to share them with you. I had fun captioning the work of these students, but... you're welcome to give them a shot yourself.
Obviously... a Parochial School Student!
All it takes is one visit to Tip-Up Town!
Yeah... I'm not a big fan of Shakespeare, either
Hey... where'd that elephant come from???
I know Tracey... I'm not touching this one!
OO7 out of 100, that is!
It's a "Where's Waldo" mentality?
Close... but no cigar!
Well... it's true!
I tried to learn it, but it's all Greek to me!
This student is either bad at science or bad at English.
Don't know for sure!
See, 2+4 equals just the right amount of animals
A very courteous young student, it seems!
I see a real future in Tort Law, for this kid!
Immediately followed up by a "Second Childhood", by the way!
There they go, trying to teach that Latin again!
Normally, I'd disagree. But, since she added the hearts, well...
The politics of science?
Obviously a college student!
Sometimes... it's dangerous to text while walking!
No chair??? Oh... the humanity!
Brian Wilson was no Einstein, but he was a good song writer
Heck... I thought it protected the Irish Whiskey from the Guinness Stout drinkers
I hear that it's really humid there, with a lot of mosquitoes
Sorry officer...I don't know how fast I was traveling.
I forgot to charge my T130XA Scientific Calculator
Be sure to hug a teacher today :)
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