Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Possible Break Through!

Talked to an unnamed high government official. It seems that somebody is talking to someone else about doing something about something or another, and THAT... is when things will start to shake loose.

I think he's on to something!

Something surreal, that is!


  1. Quick! Alert the guys in the senate committee on health care! Maybe you can find out the details on this SOMEBODY of which you speak.. It could be possible that this SOMEBODY who knows something about something or another, POSSIBLY EVEN KNOWS A "THIS AND THAT"!!!! The implications are obvious!!
    And when you do, you can send THAT GUY to help clarify things on healthcare.
    I'm just sayin.....
    Keep the faith Ken.

  2. shhhh...... someone is gonna figure that out. then the facebook tapping begins.
