Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What a Shamful Ending to a Pathetic Day!

The School Aid Fund is defeated. The Democrats applauded as if they had a great victory. This was a pathetic reaction to a terrible budget dilemma. If they aren't ashamed at their own reaction, they ought to be.
This is a sad day for Michigan. The contingent budget is at 2009 levels and we have no money.
This is a P.O.S. work that no one should be proud of. You have every right to be angry.


  1. It's shameful that we got to this point again two years later. What has been going on all year in the Capitol so it came down to the last minute...again??

  2. Once again the people of Michigan don't matter! You want to know how to balance the budget here is a suggestion. My husband and I both work. We fed our children hot dogs and macaroni and cheese. I didn't eat. We take $75 to the grocery store every other week with our coupons because that is what we can afford and that is a sacrifice. Only to see people pushing two chucked full carts around to the register and whip out the bridge card. Refigure the welfare benefits!!! The working people are hurting and Michigan don't care about us or our children. Social Security is going to run out. But don't worry our loyal welfare recipients, you won't go hungry. But hey could you please let us come over to eat. We are!!!

  3. When it comes to welfare, i think there are some that need it and some dont. It needs a overhaul, i hear too many stories how local DHS agencies over ride the rules and give aid away to people who don't complete required programs. The other thing that drives my nuts is section 8 housing. Is there a limit on the amount a landlord can charge. There are some apartments in saginaw that landlord are charging $800 or more to rent. The renters only pay a small percentage of the total bill, and we know who picks up the rest. Shouldn't there be a set limit like $300 dollars??

  4. I should be interested to see if the NEA (who I admittedly believe are the worst thing that ever happeded to education) steps forward in Michigan and makes any concessions that might be helpful.

    Ken, what have you heard from them thusfar on the issue? Have they approached you at all?

  5. Thank you Christine, Matt, and Ren. It truly makes a difference hearing from citizen's rather than lobbyists and special interest.

    Hang in there, guys!
